UCI Students, Faculty & Staff Members
- Please fill out and submit the Summer Camp Discount Eligibility Form to recieve coupon codes to pay the UCI discounted rate. This must be completed before registering - no refunds will be given for those that register first.
- Register for camp at: http://app.campdoc.com/register/ucirvinerec
- All coupon codes are ONE-TIME use - must get a code for each camper per week.
Community Members (General Public)
• Register for camp at: http://app.campdoc.com/register/ucirvinerecCAMPDOC REgistration Portal
- UCI ARC Camps utilizes CAMPDOC, a registration platform specifically for camps and youth programs
- This is where vital health-related information is securely held to ensure we provide as safe and memorable experience for your camper(s), providing parents/adult guardians with the peace of mind needed to entrust us with your camper(s) during our camps.