Camper Goals
- The ARC Youth Program has established the following goals for all campers:
- To grow personally and gain a greater sense of his or her own worth
- To be inspired to live by the character values; caring, honesty, respect and responsibility
- To experience improved personal relationships
- To learn to appreciate inclusion & diversity
- To become better leaders
Code of Conduct
The Anteater Recreation Summer Camp Staff will enforce these rules during camp to ensure the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each camper! Please go over these rules with your camper so they are aware before the start of camps.- Campers are not allowed to leave the Camp area for any reason without being escorted by a Camp Assistant.
- All restroom and water break trips will be taken with at least 2 campers and 1 assistant. Assistants are not allowed in restrooms while occupied by campers.
- Always listen to the Head Coach/Instructors rules during camp. They are in place for your safety and enjoyment of camp!
- We have a zero-tolerance bullying policy. No name calling or inappropriate language will be allowed. Always keep your hands and feet to yourself. No hitting, kicking, spitting, etc.
- Possession of any type of weapon will not be permitted. Weapons include knives, guns, pellet guns, BB guns, sling shots, water pistols, or any other kind of device that could inflict injuries to yourself or others.
- Do not use equipment for anything other than its intended purpose during camp. Equipment may not be used to hit or touch another camper. Equipment must be shared by all campers.
- Participants who abuse or damage University property will be billed for the cost of the damage.
- Tell a camp staff member if there is any problem/issue during camp that is making you unhappy.
- Use the “Golden Rule”! Treat other campers and camp staff how you would want to be treated!
If you do NOT have an existing ARC membership or account, please login using GUEST to register for youth camps. If you have any questions, please contact Campus Recreation Services (949) 824-3738 (M-F, 8am - 5pm)
All UCI ARC Camps:
- Check In/Out will take place at the front steps leading up to the ARC Front Entrance. You may use the driveway in front to quickly sign in/out your camper. If you want to stay over 5 minutes, you must find a parking spot in front of the ARC. Parking permits can be purchased at the dispenser for $2 per hour. Please ensure your camper is dropped off at least 5 minutes before their respective camp starts to they don’t miss the start of camp.
- If the information on the emergency form should change throughout the session your child is enrolled, please inform us in writing or via CampDoc platform.
- Camp will start promptly at 9am and end at 4pm. Drop off can be made as early as 8:30am. Please ensure your camper is dropped off at least 5 minutes before camp starts to they don’t miss the start of camp.
- AM Sessions: Camp will start promptly at 9am and end at 12pm. Drop off can be made as early as 8:30am.
- PM Sessions: Camp will start promptly at 1pm and end at 4pm. Drop off can be made as early as 12:30pm.
Payees must give UCI Campus Recreation a 15-business day written notice prior to the start of camp week session. Written notice may be submitted via e-mail to the Program Director. Failure to notify the Youth Program Director of a cancellation, transfer 3 days prior to camp start date, will make the subsequent payment non-refundable. (15) or more business days before first day of enrolled camp week in order to receive 80% refund of registration fees (3) business days before the first day of enrolled camp in order to receive 50% of registration fees
*Exceptions to the cancellation policy will be made on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of the Youth Program Director. Refunds take up to 10-14 business day to be processed, refunds will be placed back to the method of payment with a 20% processing fee. Transfers requests will only be completed if there is space available in the desired camp. Requests for transfers must be emailed to the Youth Program Director within 10 business days prior to the first day of the camp to be considered.
*Exceptions to the cancellation policy will be made on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of the Youth Program Director. Refunds take up to 10-14 business day to be processed, refunds will be placed back to the method of payment with a 20% processing fee. Transfers requests will only be completed if there is space available in the desired camp. Requests for transfers must be emailed to the Youth Program Director within 10 business days prior to the first day of the camp to be considered.
Health Insurance
Current medical insurance valid in the United States is required for all camp participants. Insurance information will be used for all medical emergencies. First aid will be given by certified staff for minor injuries or illnesses. Camp staff is not responsible for administering prescribed medication.
Please note that Campus Recreation is not authorized to administer medications to children at camp. If your camper(s) need medication dispensed during camp, please coordinate and make arrangements with Stephie Daquioag (
Current medical insurance valid in the United States is required for all camp participants. Insurance information will be used for all medical emergencies. First aid will be given by certified staff for minor injuries or illnesses. Camp staff is not responsible for administering prescribed medication.
Please note that Campus Recreation is not authorized to administer medications to children at camp. If your camper(s) need medication dispensed during camp, please coordinate and make arrangements with Stephie Daquioag (
If for some reason you are late to check in for Camp and there is no one at the check in/out tables in front of the ARC, you must bring your child inside the ARC to the Front Desk located just inside the front doors. A front desk employee will radio for a Camp Staff employee to come to the front to escort your camper to their destination. Please do not drop off your child then leave, even if you are late. Each camper must be signed in to account for them during camp and at check out.
If you need to take your camper home early, you must come to the ARC Front Desk and have an associate call the appropriate Camp Staff. Your camper will be escorted to the Front Desk where you will be asked to sign-out your camper.
Parents and guardians are responsible for following parking policies at the Anteater Recreation Center.
If you need to take your camper home early, you must come to the ARC Front Desk and have an associate call the appropriate Camp Staff. Your camper will be escorted to the Front Desk where you will be asked to sign-out your camper.
Parents and guardians are responsible for following parking policies at the Anteater Recreation Center.
Children are required to wear closed-toed shoes, and comfortable clothing to all camps. If available, please bring a re-fillable water bottle. All equipment for Camp will be provided. If you have your own equipment you would like to use, please bring it on the first day. Campers are responsible for any items brought to camps. If participating in full-day camps, campers must bring their own lunches. Lunch will not be provided by ARC Summer Camps.
We ask that children refrain from bringing handheld video games, and other non-necessary electronic items that could distract them from their camp experience or camp experience of others.
Children are able to keep cell phones with them in case of emergencies or to contact parents or guardians. However, distractions caused by cell phone use during camps will not be allowed.
We ask that children refrain from bringing handheld video games, and other non-necessary electronic items that could distract them from their camp experience or camp experience of others.
Children are able to keep cell phones with them in case of emergencies or to contact parents or guardians. However, distractions caused by cell phone use during camps will not be allowed.
UCI Campus Recreation may, from time to time, photograph or videotape participants and use the footage for promotional materials for the department. Signing of the photo consent form allows authorization of Campus Recreation to do so. Photo consent forms must be signed in order for campers to participate in camp group photo, which will be given out at the end of camp. Names, ages, and personal information will never be used with images.
Camp Guidelines
- Please help the Camp staff by reviewing these rules with your children before camp. Camp is fun! These rules are for everyone’s safety and well-being while at camp.
- Show respect to other campers, treat them as well as I would like to be treated, and try to be a friend to all
- Have FUN but not at the expense of others
- Campers are not allowed to leave the Camp area or ARC grounds for any reason without being escorted by a Camp staff.
- Show respect to camp staff and cooperate fully with their instructions
- Tell a camp staff member if there is any problem/issue during camp that is making you unhappy.
- Respect the rights of others and treat others with courtesy and consideration
- Communicate in an appropriate manner, which means I must not use foul or inappropriate language or gestures, harsh words or tone of voice
- Conduct myself responsibly. I understand that unwelcome teasing or other unkind behaviors are not allowed
- Refrain from deliberately causing bodily harm to other campers or staff. I understand that pushing, kicking, hitting, biting or fighting are not acceptable and will not be tolerated
- Respect the property of others and camp, which includes no stealing, property damage, graffiti or vandalism.
- Do not use equipment for anything other than its intended purpose during camp. Equipment may not be used to hit or touch another camper.
- Remain with the group and within the boundaries that have been set
- Remember that physical displays of affection or of a romantic nature are not allowed under any circumstances
- Be fully responsible for my actions and understand that irresponsible behavior will result in disciplinary action or dismissal from camp
- Have lots of FUN, learn, grow and have a GREAT time!