Personal Trainer - Nina

My fitness education began in 2009 with my 200 HR RYT certification in Atmananda Yoga Sequence Vinyasa. That experience led to my growth in this field of health and fitness by acquiring a license to work as a Certified Personal Trainer and Mat Pilates Instructor. Given my life-long learner approach to life, I have continued increasing my versatility and knowledge on fitness, joy, and longevity. I currently hold additional valid certificates in Metcon, Tabata, Barre, Yin Yoga, Yoga Sculpt, Yogalates, Sound Healing Facilitation, and Kundalini Yoga.Certifications
Atmananda Yoga Sequence 2009Spencer Pilates 2009
NESTA CPT 2009-2024
Centergy Les Mills 2010
Power Les Mills 2010
Pure Barre 2012
Ra Yoga Strength 2016
Ra Yoga Yogalates 2016
Metcon Equinox 2019
Tabata Equinox 2019
Yoga Strong Equinox 2019
True Barre Equinox 2019
The Barre Code Barre 2019
The Barre Code Bootcamp 2019
Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Gong Player Jupiter Yoga 2022
Training Philosophy
My training philosophy is to train to be joyful and pain-free, to increase the quality and amount of good years of movement and physical expression without fearing injury or without engaging in self-judgment.I want to teach clients that training is fun. I prefer incremental, doable goals that increase fundamentals competencies and basic strength to we can build a lifestyle that is something to maintain daily. So rather than “going hard” and getting gains that are quickly lost, I prefer to be gradual and gentle to first build confidence and self-esteem. To master the basic functional movements of the body and address imbalances and undesirable movement patterns before we begin to stack skills. Always scaffolding and incrementally improving. I hope my clients will be well rounded individuals by targeting cardio, strength, and regeneration in a balanced and consistent way. I also like to lead clients to hobbies and other activities that support their training and mental and emotional health.