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Because Behavior Counts

Stress Management
Meditations, breathing exercises, and tips for happiness.

Stress Management Basics: Leigh Poirier, the Director of Graduate Resource Center, talks about the effects of The Stress Response, and ways to counteract it.

Belly (Diaphramatic) Breathing: John Halsey, the Fitness Programs Coordinator of UCI Campus Recreation, explains this quick and easy technique to initiate the Relaxation Response, with Doris Dodge-Thews demonstrating.

Breathing Mindfulness Meditation: In this very simple meditation, John Halsey, the Fitness Programs Coordinator of UCI Campus Recreation, just reminds you to focus on your breath, increasing your body awareness and ability to focus.

A slide show of cute puppies.

4x4 Breathing: John Halsey, the Fitness Programs Coordinator of UCI Campus Recreation, with Doris Dodge-Thews, UCI Campus Recreation Yoga Instructor, demonstrates one of many techniques to control your breath, and initiate the Relaxation Response.

Wonderful Moment Meditation: Roger Walsh guides you to appreciate the current moment. (Roger Walsh, M.D, Ph.D)

Repetitive Rythmic Activity: John Halsey, the Fitness Programs Coordinator of UCI Campus Recreation, describes a simple technique to lift your spirits and give your body a mild sense of order.

Beach Meditation: Mandy Mount PhD, the Director of UCI AVC Counseling & Health Resources, will guide you to visualize walking on a beautiful beach on a sunny day.

Laughter: This is just laughter, from John Halsey, the Fitness Programs Coordinator of UCI Campus Recreation, Karen Kaplowitz, James Below, Shae Saldana, Bob Jack, JC DeAnda, Marilyn Hassaniah and others.

Alternate Nostril Breathing: Bryn Lanfried, UCI Campus Recreation Yoga Instructor, demonstrates this traditional technique to stimulate, focus, and balance the mind and calm the body.

Loving Kindness Meditation: John Halsey, the Fitness Programs Coordinator of UCI Campus Recreation, guides you to send feelings of joy, love, and peace to two acquaintances and yourself.

Welcoming All Experience Meditation: Roger Walsh guides you to welcome and appreciate the totality of your experiences.

Full Body Breathing 2 Bridge

Mindfulness Meditation: Roger Walsh guides you to practice your mindfulness.

Tai Chi Energy Balance: Samuel Barnes, UCI Campus Recreation Tai Chi Instructor, leads you in this simple exercise in which you’re mindful of your breath, as you balance your energy flow, called “qi” or “chi.”

The Tree Meditation: Mandy Mount Phd, the Director of UCI AVC Counseling & Health Resources, will guide you to use the imagery of a tree to increase your feelings of rootedness to the earth and connection with the energy of the sun.

Sun Saluration: Juris Zinbergs, UCI Campus Recreation Yoga Instructor, leads in this traditional combination of Yoga poses that engage the entire body. (Juris Zinbergs, Sophia An, Christine Fantone, & Roberta Baronio)

Some cute kittens.

Shitali Breathing: John Halsey demonstrates a breathing technique used to cool the body, and reduce anger.

Ujjayi (Ocean) Breath: John Halsey demonstrates the traditional deep breathing technique used often in Yoga.

Fire Breathing: Bryn Lanfried, UCI Campus Recreation Yoga Instructor, demonstrates this ancient technique of Kundalini Yoga used to stimulate and focus the body. You should be careful practicing Breath of Fire if you have high blood pressure, heart disease or suffer from stroke or epilepsy. Also, if you have acid or heat related gastric issues such as ulcers you should use caution.

3 Part Breath: Bryn Lanfried, UCI Campus Recreation Yoga Instructor, demonstrates this Yoga breathing technique in which you count breath in concert with isolating different parts of your belly, chest, and shoulders.

Full Body Yoga Breathing Child's Pose: Maria Hamilton demonstrates an energizing way to breath deeply.

Yoga Shoulder Opening: Juris Zinbergs leads this combination of breathing and shoulder opening Yoga exercises.

Triangle Poses: Juris Zinbergs Leads these Yoga poses to rejuvenate the full body.

Breathing Relaxation Meditation: Roger Walsh will guide you in this deep relaxation.

Beneficient Being Meditation: Kirwan Rockefeller. The Director of Arts and Humanities for UCI Extension, will guide you to create a favorite safe space and then meet a beneficent being of light with which you will commune.

Qigong Breathing & Meditation: Samuel Barnes, UCI Campus Recreation Tai Chi Instructor, guides you in a meditation in which you will first balance your breath with alternate nostril breathing, then visualize a space for guidance over your body, then a bright star radiating healing light through your body.