Wellness Adds Up

Because Behavior Counts

A self-directed, online video program for improving your mind, body, spirit and environment. Wellness Adds Up is a library of educational and activity videos on a wide variety of health and wellness topics.

Power exercises for strength and cardio vascular fitness.

Exercises included are: 5 Big Basics, Hip Flexors Lunge Sweeps, Ab Balance, Ground Punch Lunge, Planks, Lateral Skaters, Bicycles, High Knee Elbow Cross, Switch Lunges, Hamstring Glute Sweeps, Air Jacks, Rolldowns/Rollups, CrissCross Lunges, Pendulum Power, Low Rows, Full Body Power, Full Body Workout

Flexibility exercises to release tension and reduce injuries.

Exercises included are: Neck Stretches, Hand Limbering, Shoulder Stretches, Chest & Upper Back, Lower Back & Abdominal, Spinal Twists, Bridge & Figure 4 combo, Front/Back Hip, Side Hip, Calves, Ankles & Feet Limbering, Feet Proprioception, Limbering Full Body, Lunge around the clock, Post Event Full Body, Express Sun, Sun Salutation, Dynamic Flexibility Warm Up

Stress Management
Meditations, breathing exercises, and tips for happiness.

Videos included are: Stress Management Basics, Belly Breathing, Breathing Mindfulness, Puppies, 4x4 Breathing, Several Meditations, Repetitive Rythmic Activity, Laughter, Breathing exercises, Tai Chi Energy Balance, Sun Salutation, Kittens, Child's Pose, Yoga Shoulder Opening, Triangle Poses, Beneficient Being, Qigong Breathing

A toolkit with resources to promote movement & physical wellness.

This toolkit includes videos provided by the UCI Campus Recreation team for stretches that can be easily done anywhere, even at your desk! These videos can help encourage your colleagues to take steps into becoming more mobile and understand the importance of movement for one’s physical wellness.

Simple Changes that will positively impact your diet.

Videos include: Oatmeal, Oven Fried Foods, Noodles, Potatoes, A Better Burrito, A Better Ketchup, Eggs, Oils, Sparkling Water, Pre-Workout Nutrition, Post-Workout Nutrition, Subway & McDonalds', Mediterranean Diets, Juice Up

Motivational practices to enhance your personal growth.

Videos include: Three Smiles, Let's Do It, Invisible Advantage, Actualization Linee, Habit Loop, Catching the Wave, Small Waves, Design your day, Tiny Steps, Mindset, The Happiest Place on Earth, SMARTer Goals, Simple Habilts, Best Advice, Inspiration Tips, Activate your spirit, The List, The Olympic Spirit and more.